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ERP Software Implementation

It is very important to choose the right ERP software. The expected results of implementing ERP should provide streamlined operations, easy-to-use functionality, a real-time view of your business anytime and anywhere on any device, as well as an ERP platform that isn’t only secure but adaptable to ever-changing requirements.

Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) systems are large, is designed to guide, and help to handle nearly all section of a strong and, in many instances, incorporate the firm’s interior processes with business preparation and execution activities of customers and vendors.

An ERP implementation must follow some clear steps

  • Define Demands – Outline the business requirements, build prototypes and have a design-led development approach so that the user can feel the navigation before working on the real system.
  • Evaluate – Evaluate the requirements to see if they are an ideal fit for your organization. The goal is to strive for simplicity and reach out for a good simple working solution rather than an ideal solution.
  • Document User Procedures – Use prototype walkthroughs to evaluate.
  • Big Bang or Phased Approach – ERP Implementation strategies include Big Bang, Phased, Hybrid, and Parallel Adoption. Each organization requirements are different and as such, the project management method is itself evolving using PPM, SCRUM, and DevOps. Choose the idea fit to execute the project and consider, evaluate and discuss all the possible options.
  • Consider Customization Alternatives Carefully – Define “what if situations” – The goal assumes that everything will fail and plan for that failure.
  • Choose the Right Project Leader – Consider and evaluate the implementation partners. Having a right experienced implementation partner will bring past ERP implementation experiences and can make you aware of potential pitfalls.
  • Don’t Forget Mobile Users
  • Allocate Sufficient Time and Resources for Training


  • Discovery – comprises of processes that help determine the need, vision, scope of the task, and obtain a commitment from the customer to continue.
  • Plan & Monitor – Consists of processes that involve developing a method to complete the work, also as a means measure the progress and take needed corrective actions. This happens through the entire process of the implementation.
  • Analyze – Business Process Requirement gathering and analysis of the current IT business processes
  • Build – Start development and Stabilize – Consists of a group of processes to ensure a solution meets the client’s requirements and is ready for full deployment to a manufacturing environment
  • Deploy – Processes that will deploy all ERP developments to the production environment.
  • Post Go Live – Initial go-live will bring its own set of bugs which were not thought of during the original design phase… so, in essence, wait for the dust to settle down and fix any bugs.